London, England.

The last ten days of my holiday were spent in England visiting friends. The weather, like the rest of Europe was rather cold, with snow falling several of the days that I was there.  That, however, did not prevent me from looking around the city again.  I have visited London several times previously, but this trip had a couple of highlights. The first was the opportunity to have a private tour of the Houses of Parliament. My friend knows an MP who arranged the tour for us. It was super to see the places where the PM stands and debates...the very heart of British government.  A second highlight of the trip was being given a private tour of certain places in Westminster Abbey.  Some friends of mine showed me one room in particular, New Jerusalem Chamber. In that room the King James version of the Bible was translated, as have nearly every other English version of the Bible since. Indeed, there was an incredible sense of history in the places I visited. Mind you, all my time in London was not focused on history.  I also made it to Harrod's annual sale, and purchased a few things. (Good thing they had a sale...I could not have afforded most of the stuff otherwise! England is an expensive place!)

Big Ben  (JPEG)

Parliament's clock tower, AKA Big Ben

House of Parliament, London, England   (JPEG)

The Courtyard inside the gates of Parliament

New Jerusalem Chamber  (JPEG)

The New Jerusalem Chamber, inside the Westminster Abbey

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